Whistleblowing System adalah aplikasi yang disediakan oleh Inspektorat Kabupaten Bantul bagi Anda yang memiliki informasi dan ingin melaporkan suatu perbuatan berindikasi pelanggaran yang terjadi di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul
Buat AduanPengaduan Anda akan mudah ditindaklanjuti apabila memenuhi unsur sebagai berikut:
Campaigns monitoring is a feature we've developed since the beginning because it's at the core of Tivo and basically to any marketing activity focused on results.
Analytics control panel is important for every marketing team so it's beed implemented from the begging and designed to produce reports based on very little input information.
It's very easy to start using Tivo. You just need to fill out and submit the Sign Up Form and you will receive access to the app.
It's very easy to start using Tivo. You just need to fill out and submit the Sign Up Form and you will receive access to the app.
It's very easy to start using Tivo. You just need to fill out and submit the Sign Up Form and you will receive access to the app.
Inspektorat Bantul akan merahasiakan identitas pribadi Anda sebagai whistleblower karena Inspektorat Bantul hanya fokus pada informasi yang Anda laporkan.
Agar Kerahasiaan lebih terjaga, perhatikan hal-hal berikut ini: